Monday, January 27, 2014

Mixing Old with New Thom Browne does it well!!!

Thom Browne Eyewear
We are fans of the Thom Browne collection by Dita Eyewear. Speaking as a professional Optician this collection is well crafted, made in Japan and a pleasure to sell.   Our objective at is not to find just branded vintage eyewear. Our esthetic is to find antique eyewear and sunglasses we feel relevant in real-time. 
Thom Browne 2014

The Moncler Gamme Bleu Fall 2014 for Men and Women by Thom Browne featured their eyewear collection all over the run way.
Whimsical suits with argyle patterns paired with classic round eyewear.
This blending of over the top fashion with the classic eyewear shapes was SPECtacular!

The opposite works as well in the real world taking classic clothing style and utilizing your eyeglasses or sunglasses to be your statement piece can give your ensemble such finesse and style!

In the photo below one can view the Thom Browne 2014 eyewear releases of his classically inspired eyewear collection .

Thom  Browne Eyewear
Thom Browne Flip Top

B&L Safety eyewear atticeyewear,com circa 1940's
The images you see here are some of original antique eyewear selections  from circa 1940's thru the 1980's for sale on our website. One can see the inspiration of the Thom Browne collection.  Our mission is to share our one of kind hand selected vintage eyewear and sunglasses we feel are relevant and will remain timeless in fashion. These antique eyewear pieces are a part of history for you to wear and appreciate.
Vintage Nylon Safety Shield c1950's

Vintage Robert la Roche Flip Up eyeglass c1980's
We hope you will visit our site and become a part of our Society!
Couturier of Vintage Eyewear

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